Meet Our Team…
Ellie Wyatt
Dedicated fractivist, compulsive networker, community campaign organiser, professional children’s TV composer and songwriter, teacher, Yogi, Zumba enthusiast, podcast listener, eternal student, tree planter, mother and lover of music, words, birdsong, beaches, bluebell woods and the Sussex downs.
Greg Holder
Free-dive & Scuba dive instructor, passionate ocean protector, Shark Educator, traveller, former personal trainer and strength & conditioning coach, Vegetarian, Rugby player, hardcore vexilloligist, lover of sharks, the marine world, wildlife and Disney! Online activist GingeUnderthesea
Amanda Bronkhorst
Determined founder of JUST ONE Tree, snowboarder and adrenaline adventurer, climate crisis fighter, professional TV commercials producer, horse rider and tree planter, mother and lover of the sea, forests, mountains and animals.
Pete Fillery
Forest School advocate, community gardener with Incredible Edible, social media marketing for arts, activism and ethical living magazines: Resurgence & The Ecologist. Inspired by indigenous wisdom, regenerative cultures, ecological consciousness and creative systems thinking. Father and lover of soil, sea, sand and stars.
Anya Hart Dyke
Helping parents to teach kids 'planetary boundaries', founder of online resource Big Dreams Little Footprints author of 'Our throwaway society - raising children to consume wisely', Mum of two living in Scotland, big fan of the great outdoors, the visual arts and being silly.
Andy Welch
Sustainable energy enthusiast, professional IT geek and builder of websites, snowboarder and sea swimmer, opinion swayer, native New Zealander and lover of all things Kiwi; mountains, beaches, sailing and Flight of the Conchords, dedicated dad, husband and dog walker.
Dr Pauline Von Hellermann
Environmental anthropologist, Goldsmiths lecturer, palm oil researcher; co-founder of Eastbourne Eco Action Network, EcoEd2030 and Fruit Trees for Schools -a small tree planting project in Nigeria; mother who loves forests and cycling.
Ellie Good
Ethical consumerism activist, graphic designer, illustrator and founder of The Shift; Back to the Future fan, duck lover (yes!) and maker of planet-friendly things, Mama, yoga head and lover of music, woodland walks and short swims in cold seas
Hilary Toope
Mother, grandmother, retired head teacher and twice arrested eco-activist, I’m passionate about leaving a world fit for future generations. Lover of The Lorax with a tattoo that says '“Unless…”, as a (reputedly!) stubborn, earth-loving Taurean, standing by and doing nothing about the climate emergency is not an option!
Siobhan Parslow-Williams
Registered nurse passionate about promoting sustainable healthcare and creating a carbon neutral NHS; amateur YouTube video maker, former pro makeup artist, green Blue Peter badge winner; dedicated climate activist, mother and lover of family time in the great outdoors and turning positive visions into reality!
Kaaren Knight
Clinical psychologist and passionate advocate for children’s well being, climate activist, aspiring veg grower, reader of books (usually 10 at once!) friend and meditator, mother and lover of night sky, oceans and nature.
Dr Joanna Gilar
Storyteller, doctor of fairy tales and ecology, teacher and founder of StoryCommons and Giant's Garden. Forager, gardener, poet and novel writer, mother, lover of good books, long walks and honest conversations!