The Ripple Effect…

Choose three friends. Take three actions together. Pass it on…

Action 1 - Switch to a renewable energy provider!

This is one of the best things you can do to fight climate change and it has other benefits too, like reducing air pollution and creating jobs.

Visit to check out if your current energy provider is helping or harming the planet.

When you’ve all switched to renewable energy, colour in the wind turbine above each name.


Action 2 - Switch to an ethical bank!

Since 2016, 35 banks have invested $2.7 TRILLION in destructive fossil fuel industries! Moving your money matters!!

Visit to check out if your bank is investing in the destruction of our natural world and if necessary open a new bank account.

When you’ve all made the change, colour in the money symbol above each name


Action 3 - Become an Earth Protector!

Ecocide is the mass damage and destruction of nature’s ecosystems and right now, in most of the world, it is legally permitted. Sign up at to show that you believe damage and destruction to the Earth and its inhabitants should be a crime in international law.

When you’ve all signed up, colour in the Earth Protector symbol above each name.


Aim to complete your ripple sheet within three weeks!

When all four of you have completed the actions and your sheet, congratulate each other for being awesome and having significantly reduced your carbon emissions.

Upload a photo to your ripple sheet to social media using the hashtags #therippleeffect #ripplesheet #ecoactionfamilies #switchit #ecocidelaw

If you are visiting our site from outside the UK check out your bank here:

Please send us your #Ripplesheet photo!